Hotel Mogul

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Big Fish Games

Lynette's conniving husband has cheated her out of her family business! Use your business savvy, and Time Management skills, to help Lynette repurchase her company and send her husband to the slammer. Buy, develop and sell commercial properties to make a profit. Build attractions that increase your income, and keep your eye on the bottom line as you purchase materials and hire workers, and become a Hotel Mogul

  • Fun mini games
  • Vibrant graphics
  • Get back your business!

System Requirements :
Windows XP/Vista
1.0 Ghz
512 MB
Hard Drive:
94 MB

Visit Big Fish Games

Hints, Tip, Walkthroughs :

General Tips

  • It is always a good idea to start any level just to get a general overview related to the goals, which buildings you own, how many empty lots there are, and which buildings are not in your possession in the beginning. Take your time and think about your first actions, what buildings you will need to beat the level, and then restart the level. This strategy has the advantage that you already have a vague plan in your hand and do not waste any time in the beginning.
  • Sometimes there are lots with an income penalty of 20%. These plots are perfect to build Hotels on that you would sale anyway, because the penalty does not affect the sale price.
  • Be aware of the fact that you do not get any income from hotels when they get repaired, upgraded or are up for sale. Try to improve your hotels at the beginning of income cycles if possible, because then you lose income as rarely as possible. By the way, you get new money every 15 seconds.
  • Service buildings are quite expensive to construct, but they are definitely worth it. Especially the Real Estate Agency is virtually required to beat some levels in expert time. For one thing you can buy every building whenever you want to, and for another thing you can change the prices of your as well as other buildings up and down.
  • The museum can come in very handy if you need a high number of guests. By holding exhibitions at the Museum you can double the guests of all of your hotels on the resort.
  • In contrast to similar games it never happens that additional goals appear during a level. Of course this makes the game less exciting, but otherwise some of the levels are really hard as they are, so it is good to know that there are no additional "bad surprises".
  • In some levels you will have to purchase special areas or buildings, which are only available in that level and crucial to finish it. In most of those cases you not only have to buy the said building, but also restore it with a high number of workers and a large amount of materials. Take this into consideration from the beginning. You can see how much it will cost you to restore the building (even if you haven't purchased it yet) by clicking on that building and hovering over the wrench-button.
  • Try to purchase every lot with an income bonus if possible, because they do not differ from "ordinary lots" in their sale price, but offer a huge advantage when they are yours. If you can avoid it never build commercial, service buildings or decorations on lots with income bonus, because this would be just a waste of what could be an easy additional income.
  • Do not train more workers than necessary in the beginning of any level, because they are really expensive and you can't use them anyway if you lack money and materials.
  • Always order the largest amount of materials you can afford to, because the discount is very distinct and you will need a large amount of materials sooner or later. Order materials before you have less than 500, because it is really annoying if you suddenly have to stop assigning tasks because you are out of materials.
  • When you plan to build only one or two types of hotels train a number of workers according to the number you need to perform certain improvements on those hotels.
  • Try to never miss the money letters which appear over hotels on a regular basis. They can definitely make the difference whether you can beat a level in expert time or not.
  • If the "Play"-button at the beginning of a new level is disabled, you first have to purchase a new building or feature at the shop.


  • Basically, the key to success in resource management games is mathematics. Of course promptness and doing tasks at the same time are important factors, too, but in most of the levels you have to build specific buildings, and upgrade all of them according to your goals, which means that rapid clicking does not always help. The table below displays all the buildings in the game and what you have to know about them, namely the cost and result of upgrades and other advantages:


Construction Costs/Income/Guests

1.Upgrade Costs/Income/Guests

2.Upgrade Costs/Income/Guests

3.Upgrade Costs/Income/Guests


1 worker, 100 materials/ $1,000/10

1 worker, 20 materials/ $1,200/11

1 worker, 40 materials/ $1,600/12

1 worker, 60 materials/ $2,200/14


2 workers, 150 materials/ $1,500/16

1 worker, 30 materials/ $1,800/16

1 worker, 60 materials/ $2,400/17

2 workers, 90 materials/ $2,400/ 19

Guest House

3 workers, 300 materials/ $3,000/20

2 workers, 60 materials/ $3,600/22

2 workers, 120 materials/ $4,800/24

2 workers, 280 materials/ $6,600/28

Business Hotel

5 workers, 700 materials/ $7,000/30

3 workers, 150 materials/ $8,500/33

3 workers, 250 materials/ $11,000/36

3 workers, 400 materials/ $15,000/42

Residential Hotel

7 workers, 1500 materials/ $15,000/45

3 workers, 300 materials/ $18,000/49

4 workers, 600 materials/ $24,000/54

4 workers, 900 materials/ $24,000/63

Grand Palace

9 workers, 2500 materials/ $25,000/60

5 workers, 500 materials/$30,000/65

6 workers, 1000 materials/ $40,000/72

6 workers, 1500 materials/ $55,000/84


Construction Costs



2 workers, 150 materials

adds income depending on the number of guests in its reach.

City Mall

4 workers, 300 materials

adds income depending on the number of guests in its reach. You are also able to hold sales.

Amusement Park

10 workers, 1000 materials

adds income depending on the number of guests in ts reach. Enables you to host events.


1 worker, 100 materials

Gives the two nearest hotels a 40% income bonus.


2 workers, 150 materials

Gives every hotel in its row a 25% income bonus.


5 workers, 200 materials

Gives a 25% income bonus to the eight nearest hotels.

Construction Mill

4 workers, 750 materials

The training of workers becomes cheaper. You can use the Rapid Construction and the Instant Repair features.

Real Estate Agency

5 workers, 1500 materials

You can buy each lot or hotel at any time. Enables you to activate the Price Growth or Discount features.


7 workers, 3000 materials

Provides your resort with 100 additional guests. You can hold exhibitions.

Level 1:

  • Simply follow the advices of Lynette and you should finish this level easily by building two Campgrounds.

Level 2:

  • This level is an untimed tutorial, too. After building two more Campgrounds you only have to upgrade your four hotels until you have reached the required income.

Level 3:

  • Here you learn the process of buying and selling lots/hotels, still untimed. Buy the first lot which is up for sale, build a Campground there, and immediately sell it. Purchase two more empty lots, build two Campgrounds on them, too, and finally upgrade your three hotels until you reach the required income.

Level 4:

  • (From now on, levels are timed. You will get additional stars to complete them in expert time, however this is not required to proceed in the game)
  • Purchase the Motel and the Cafe at the shop before you start the level, because they are connected to some of the goals in this level
  • Goals: Own three motels (level 3) ; have 75 guests ; build hotels on every empty lot
  • Build a cafe as suggested by Lynette.
  • Upgrade your already existing motel to three stars and build another motel on your remaining empty lot.
  • Sell the second motel (that one you did not upgrade) and purchase every empty lot as soon as one is up for sale.
  • When you have sold two motels you have acquired enough money to buy the required materials and the remaining empty lots.
  • Upgrade two more motels to three stars and build campgrounds and motels until no lot is empty anymore.

Level 5:

  • Purchase the Conference Bonus at the shop to play this level.
  • Goals:Demolish three campgrounds near the lake ; own three motels (level 3) near the lake ; earn 125,000 $.
  • Build three more motels and sell all four of them. Purchase the campgrounds or empty lots near the lake as soon as possible.
  • Demolish the three campgrounds near the lake. Build more motels there and upgrade three of them to three stars.
  • To earn the required amount of money sell all buildings or empty lots you still own except for the three upgraded motels.
  • Look at the screenshot below for further details

Level 6:

  • Buy the Guest House and the Statue in the shop to go on in the game.
  • Goals: Own two guest houses (level 3) ; own three motels (level 2) ; Build Statue
  • Build a Statue as implied by Lynette.
  • Build a Guest House on a lot next to the said Statue.
  • Upgrade the Guest House to three Stars and sell the Campground in the upper right corner.
  • Build empty lots when they are up for sale, and construct a second Guest House on the second empty lot near the Statue.
  • Build a motel on the empty lot with income bonus near the top row when you have acquired it.
  • Build a third Guest House anywhere and sell it to raise enough funds to build the remaining two motels (acquire more empty lots if you don't have yet) and to upgrade your motels to two, and your Guest Houses to three stars.

Level 7:

  • Goals: Restore the Fishing Center ; $50,000 income
  • Build three campgrounds on your empty lots and purchase a new empty lot.
  • Build a Guest House on your new empty lot and sell it.
  • Wait until you have gathered enough money for the Fishing Center and buy it.
  • Sell your motel (that one which you had from the beginning), upgrade the campgrounds and restore the fishing center.
  • All of your four campgrounds should be upgraded to three stars now.
  • Purchase two empty lots and build two more campgrounds on the, upgrade one of them to three stars, too, and you should have finished the level.

Bonus Level:

  • In this little Hidden-Object part of the game you have to find 15 photos to earn additional points. Look at the screenshot below for the solution:

Level 8:

  • Purchase the Construction Mill in the shop to be able to play this level.
  • Goals: Own the Construction Mill ; Own four Guest Houses (level 3) ; Train 7 workers.
  • Train a worker as advised by Lynette.
  • Build a Guest House on an empty lot and sell your campground.
  • Buy empty lots, especially those with income bonus and at all events that lot with income bonus near your cafe.
  • Build two more Guest Houses on the empty lots with income bonuses.
  • Upgrade your three guest houses to three stars.
  • Buy another empty lot, now you should possess: a cafe, three guest houses and two empty lots.
  • Build one more Guest House and the Construction Mill on your remaining empty lots.
  • Use the Instant Repair button in the Construction Mill menu when it is built.
  • Upgrade your Guest Houses to three stars.
  • Train three more workers.
  • Look at the screenshot below as a little help where you should construct which buildings.

Level 9:

  • Acquire the garden in the shop to activate this level.
  • Goals:Demolish two hotels ; own seven (level 3) motels
  • Just a quick advice in the beginning: although the demolition of hotels might seem to be a quick and easy step, you should remit this goal to the end, because the demolition offers no advantages for you, and it is easier and more intelligent to fulfill this goal at the very end.
  • Build two motels and one Guest House (this one on the empty lot with an income penalty). Sell the latter one immediately.
  • Buy two empty lots and build four motels on the empty lots in your possession.
  • Buy three more empty lots and build three more motels on them. Now you have built the seven motels you need for the first goal.
  • Purchase another empty lot, build a campground on it, and demolish both of your campgrounds.
  • Upgrade all of your motels to three stars.

Level 10:

  • Buy the City Mall in the shop to activate this level.
  • Goals:Own the City Mall ; have five sales in the city mall ; Have 150 Guests
  • Of course it is important to build the City Mall rather early in this level, since you ought to have five sales there, and it takes some time for the "sale star" to refill between two sales.
  • Train a worker and build the City Mall next to the 2 star-motel you already own.
  • Sell the 2 star-campground in the bottom left corner.
  • Build a Guest House next to the City Mall, and then a Statue on the right-hand lot of your new Guest House.
  • Buy an empty lot and build another Guest House on it.
  • Do not forget to have more sales each time the sale star is full again.
  • Build more empty lots and build more hotels. To meet the guests-goal you should possess one 2 star-motel, one 2 star-Guest House, 2 motels without upgrades, and three Guest Houses without upgrades. Look at the screenshot below for a possible design

Level 11:

  • Buy the Business Hotel at the shop to play this level.
  • Goals:Own two business hotels (level 3) with an income bonus of 25% ; own two Guest Houses (level 3) ; Own two commercial buildings.
  • Train a worker and build a business hotel on the empty lot next to the canyon.
  • Build a Statue on the empty lot with an income penalty next to your new business hotel.
  • Demolish your campground near the canyon and build a Guest House on the now empty lot. Also buy the empty lot next to this new Guest House as soon as it is up for sale.
  • Build a second Business Hotel on the remaining empty lot next to your Statue.
  • Sell your second campground and build a cafe next to your Guest House. Also buy the empty lot left-hand of your cafe.
  • Build a second Guest House on the empty lot next to the cafe.
  • Upgrade your Guest Houses and Business Hotels to three stars each.
  • Purchase any empty lot and build a City Mall there.
  • Look at the screenshot below for hints with regards to the layout

Level 12:

  • Goals:Own three business hotels (level 3) near the canyon
  • Build two Guest Houses on your empty lots, and sell them as well as the campground you already possess.
  • Buy two more empty lots, build Guest Houses on them, and sell those, too.
  • Buy the Guest House on the bottom lot next to the canyon as soon as you can afford it.
  • Buy the Business Hotel on the top lot near the canyon when it is available for purchase and train one worker.
  • Sell your two star-motel and begin to upgrade your business hotel to three stars.
  • Demolish the two Guest Houses near the canyon and replace them by business hotels.
  • Train one more worker (you should have six now).
  • Upgrade your two new Business Hotels to three stars.

Level 13:

  • Buy the Real Estate Agency at the shop to play this level.
  • Goals: Buy three business hotels with income bonus ; Buy two Guest Houses with income bonus ; $100,000 income
  • Look at the screenshot below - the buildings you have to purchase are in red circles
  • Train a worker, build a business hotel and immediately sell it.
  • Build a Real Estate Agency.
  • Build two more Business Hotels and sell them.
  • Buy the Business Hotels with income bonus by using the Discount Feature of the Real Estate Agency.
  • Buy empty lots whenever possible.
  • Continue to build Business Hotels on new empty lots and sell them. Upgrade your Business Hotels with income bonus to three stars.
  • Buy the Guest Houses with income bonus.
  • Build a garden in the top and in the bottom row.
  • To reach your income you need the two gardens, two guest houses and four business hotels upgraded to the maximum.

Level 14:

  • Goals:$125,000 income ; have 600 guests
  • To beat this level you need a garden and five to the maximum upgraded Business Hotels in the top row, as well as a Statue and two to the maximum upgraded Business Hotels in the bottom row. Later on you also have to buy the Observation Area, of course. Take this as a rough hint which lots you have to buy early one and where you should construct which building.
  • Build a Business Hotel in the middle row and sell it.
  • Build two Business Hotel in the top row.
  • Demolish your Motel and build a garden there.
  • Purchase every possible lot that is available except for the Business Hotel in the middle row.
  • Build a Business Hotel in the middle row and sell it.
  • Train up to ten workers.
  • Build another Business Hotel in the middle row and sell it.
  • Build two more Business Hotels in the top row.
  • When you have three lots in the bottom row build a Statue and two Business Hotels next to it.
  • Upgrade all your six Business Hotels to three stars.
  • Buy the Observation Area and restore it.

Bonus Level:

  • Here you have to find 15 objects to get bonus points. The screenshot below displays the positions of these objects

Level 15:

  • Goals: Own the Business Hotel (level 3) ; Own three Guest Houses (level 3) ; Earn $2 million
  • Build the Real Estate Agency.
  • Build two Business Hotels and sell them.
  • Buy an empty lot, build a business hotel and upgrade it to three stars.
  • Purchase the two star-Guest House in the center and upgrade it to three stars.
  • Buy two more empty lots, build business hotels on them, and sell those.
  • Buy two empty lots, build two Guest Houses on them and upgrade those to three stars.
  • Now you only have to fulfill the earn $2 million goal.
  • Buy the three remaining empty lots, build business hotels on them, and sell those.
  • This should suffice to reach the $2 million mark, if it should not for whatever reason, buy a campground, demolish it, build another Business Hotel and sell it, too. Even then you should still finish the level in expert time.

Level 16:

  • Buy the Rapid Construction-Service at the shop.
  • Goals:Build eight business hotels (level 3) on the resort ; sell four hotels ; train 15 workers
  • Build two Business Hotels on the empty lots without income bonus and sell them.
  • Build another Business Hotel on your last empty lot with income bonus and upgrade your two Business Hotels to three stars.
  • Demolish your guest house and replace it by another Business Hotel. Upgrade this one to three stars, too.
  • Buy two campgrounds, demolish them, and build two more Business Hotels on the empty lots.
  • Train four workers.
  • Sell the two Business Hotels you just built, too.
  • Acquire six more lots (either empty or with rather cheap hotels on them). At first build a Construction Mill.
  • Train six more workers, then build five business hotels.
  • Upgrade all the remaining business hotels to three stars, especially by using the Rapid Construction Button in the Construction Mill menu.

Level 17:

  • Buy the memorial at the shop to play this level.
  • Goals:Own five hotels ; have no empty lots with negative income modifiers ; Income $100,000
  • Build a Business Hotel on your empty lot in the bottom row.
  • Build a second Business Hotel on the right-hand empty lot in the middle row and sell it.
  • Build a Statue between the two Business Hotels in the middle row.
  • Demolish the campground on the left-hand side of your business hotel in the bottom row.
  • Train five workers and build a statue next to your business hotel in the bottom row.
  • Demolish the campground on the left-hand side in the top row, build a business hotel there.
  • Upgrade your two business hotels to three stars, while you are handling the other lots.
  • Build the empty lot on the right-hand side in the bottom row and build a business hotel there, too.
  • Build your fourth Business Hotel on your last remaining empty lot in the top row.
  • Build the campground in the bottom row and build a memorial on this new empty lot.
  • Buy the empty lot on the left-hand side of the middle row and build a Business Hotel there.
  • Buy the one of the last two campgrounds in the top and middle row, demolish it, and build one memorial on this new empty lot.
  • Now just upgrade and/or purchase buildings until you meet the required income.
  • Look at the screenshot below to see a suggestion for the design of this resort

Level 18:

  • Goals:Own four Guest Houses with an income bonus of 110 % ; Own two Business Hotels (Level 3)
  • To get a Guest House with 110% income bonus, it has to be built on an empty lot that already has a 20 % income bonus. Apart from that it must be also in the influence of a Statue, a Garden AND a memorial!!! And this goes for all the four Guest Houses. Since there are only four lots with an original income bonus of 20%, you apparently have to build your guest houses on them.
  • Sell your Business Hotel.
  • Build a Statue right beside your Guest House in the top row, and build another guest house on the empty lot beside the new Statue.
  • Train a worker.
  • Buy all six lots on the right side of the middle and the bottom row whenever they become available. Purchase also the empty lot on the left hand side of the top row.
  • Build a statue on the empty lot right beside the motel in the middle row.
  • Build a Business Hotel on the right-hand empty lot in the bottom row.
  • Build a memorial on the left-hand side lot of your Business Hotel in the bottom row.
  • Build a garden on the left hand lot in the middle row.
  • Build a Guest House on the right-hand lot of the Statue in the middle row.
  • Demolish the motel on the left side of the Statue in the middle row and build your fourth Guest House there.
  • Build a garden on the left hand lot of the top row.
  • Build a second Business Hotel on any remaining empty lot.
  • Upgrade your Business Hotels to three stars. Train one more worker to do these upgrades at the same time.
  • The Screenshot below displays the exact design that you need to fulfill the goals

Level 19:

  • Buy the Price Growth Feature in the shop to play this level.
  • Goals:Own five Guest Houses (level 3) with an income bonus of 25% ; Earn $1.5 million
  • Sell your business hotel.
  • Build a Guest House on the empty lot in the top row.
  • Demolish your motel in the middle row and build a Guest House on the new empty lot.
  • Demolish your campground in the bottom row and build a Real Estate Agency there.
  • Begin to upgrade your Guest Houses to three stars as soon as possible.
  • Build a Garden on the left-hand empty lot in the middle row, and a memorial on the right-hand empty lot in the bottom row.
  • Buy the three empty lots in the middle row, build three Guest Houses on them, and upgrade those three Guest Houses to three stars, too.
  • Purchase all lots, also by using the discount feature, and build Business Hotels on them.
  • Sell the Business Hotels, also by using the Price Growth feature. Three sold business hotels combined with this feature should be enough to collect the required money.

Level 20:

  • Buy the Museum to play this level.
  • Goals: Own six Business Hotels ; Own the Museum
  • This level is rather easy, as long as you keep building, selling and buying at the same time.
  • Build two Business Hotels and sell them.
  • Train three workers.
  • Build two more Business Hotels.
  • Purchase less expensive buildings, demolish them, and build more Business Hotels on the empty lots.
  • Train two more workers.
  • You should buy all the buildings except for Business Hotels. In the end you should have left one empty lot, Six Business Hotels, while all the other lots you do not own should be Business Hotels, too.
  • At last, build the Museum.

Level 21:

  • Goals:Host a Conference in the Pyramide ; Own six hotels near the Pyramid ; Income $200,000
  • Apparently you need six lots around the pyramid. You already have two, do not sell them.
  • Demolish the two hotels on the left-hand side in the top and middle row. Build two Business Hotels on these lots and sell them.
  • Demolish your Motel and build two Business Hotels on the two lots near the Pyramid.
  • Train five workers.
  • Purchase four more lots around the pyramid as soon as possible. Demolish the hotels and build Business Hotels on the new lots.
  • If you go out of money buy new empty lots in the corners, build Business Hotels and sell them immediately.
  • Repair the Pyramid as soon as you have enough materials.
  • Upgrade all of your business hotels to three stars.
  • As soon as you have reached the income goal ( you need seven to the maximum upgraded Business Hotels for that), and $500,000 in your account, host a conference.

Bonus Level:

  • This time you have to click on the largest of three money proposals to help Lynette winning the auction.
  • Bob-Ann-Bob-Linnet-Ann-Ann-Ann-Bob-Ann-Ann-Linnet-Bob-Bob-Bob.

Level 22:

  • Buy the Residential Hotel in the shop to play this level.
  • Goals:Build three (level 3) Guest Houses ; Build two (level 3) Business Hotels ; Build one (level 3) Residential Hotel
  • Sell both of your campgrounds and train two workers.
  • Build a Business Hotel and sell it.
  • Demolish your third campground, train two workers, build a Residential Hotel and sell it.
  • Build a second Residential Hotel and upgrade it to three stars.
  • Acquire rather cheap buildings (campgrounds, Guest Houses and Motels). Replace them by two Business Hotels and three Guest Houses (if you acquire Guest Houses you should not demolish them, of course).
  • Upgrade your six hotels to three stars.

Level 23:

  • Goals: Own two City Malls that serve 500 guests each
  • In fact this this level is all about promptness. One City Mall is already built in the right place, you simply have to buy it sooner or later. The other City Mall has to be built on the central lot on the right hand half of the scene. Each of the two Malls is surrounded by seven lots, and you have to build 13 three-star Residential Hotels and one Museum on these 14 lots.
  • When a Residential Hotel is finished, sell it immediately, since you need new funds to acquire new lots, more materials, and more workers. This is the whole strategy of the level. The building of the museum and the City Malls should wait until the end, just start by building and upgrading the Residential Hotels. The Screenshot below displays the positions of the important buildings.
  • In the beginning sell your buildings to train the required number of workers and to purchase the needed materials for your first Residential Hotel. After that, simply repeat this action: Build a Residential Hotel - Upgrade it to three stars - sell it.
  • If the empty lot for the second City Mall is up for sale early in the level, immediately purchase it and build a Real Estate Agency on it. That simplifies this level even more, since you can sell your Hotels for even more money and buy every other lot whenever you want to. In the end you can simply replace the Agency by the City Mall.
  • Build the Museum at the very end, when all the Hotels are finished. Do not forget to hold an exhibition at the museum, thereby increasing the number of guests in every hotel of the resort by 50%.

Level 24:

  • Goals:Own five Guest Houses (level 3) ; Own one commercial building ; Own one service building.
  • Demolish the campground and build four more Guest Houses. Upgrade all of your Guest Houses to three stars.
  • Purchase the two lots with motels as soon as you can afford to and demolish them.
  • Build a Cafe.
  • Build a Construction Mill.

Level 25:

  • Goals:Own five (level 3) Business Hotels ; Own two decorations
  • Train two workers.
  • Build one Residential Hotel and sell it.
  • Build three Business Hotels.
  • Upgrade the three Business Hotels to three stars.
  • Purchase empty lots or cheap buildings and replace them by two Business Hotels.
  • Upgrade those two Business Hotels to three stars, too.
  • Build one Garden and one Statue.

Level 26:

  • Goals:Own five (level 3) Business Hotels ; Own two Service Buildings ; Earn $5 Million
  • Considering the goals the museum is completely useless in this levels, so you should choose the Real Estate Agency and the Construction Mill as your Service Buildings.
  • Train two workers, build a Residential Hotel and sell it.
  • Train three workers.
  • Build five Business Hotels.
  • Build another Residential Hotel and sell it.
  • Build a Construction Mill and a Real Estate Agency.
  • Upgrade your Business Hotels to three stars, by regularly using the Rapid Construction feature.
  • Train four workers.
  • Build more Residential Hotels and upgrade them to two stars, still using the Rapid Construction feature. Then sell them by using the Price Growth Feature until you have earned $5 million.

Level 27:

  • Goals: Own three commercial buildings ; Own three decorations ; Earn $6 million
  • Demolish all your hotels, train two workers, build a Residential Hotel and sell it.
  • Construct two city malls and a cafe.
  • Build another Residential Hotel and sell it.
  • Purchase as many empty lots and cheaper hotels as possible. Demolish them all.
  • Build each of the Decorations once.
  • Now you can concentrate on earning money. Keep building Residential Hotels, upgrade them to two stars and sell them until you have earned $6 Million.

Level 28:

  • Goals:Build a Ski Lift ; Income $200,000
  • Since the Ski Lift you have to built increases the income of Guest Houses by 300%, but reduces the income of Business and Residential Hotels by 75%, it is the to concentrate on building Guest Houses to achieve the required income.
  • Demolish all your existing hotels, train one worker, build a Residential Hotel and sell it.
  • Build three Guest Houses and upgrade them to three stars.
  • Build another Residential Hotel and sell it.
  • Train eight workers.
  • Build the Ski Lift.
  • Build a fourth Guest House and upgrade it to three stars.
  • Build two Residential Hotels and upgrade them to three stars.
  • Sell both Residential Hotels.
  • Acquire four more lots, build Guest Houses on them and upgrade those to three stars.
  • Alternatively, instead of eight Guest Houses, you can also build a Memorial instead of a Guest House, you will reach the required income that way, too.

Bonus Level:

  • In this level you have to find 15 money piles in the scenery. The solution can be seen on the screenshot below

Level 29:

  • Buy the Amusement Park at the shop to play this level.
  • Goals:Build five (level 2) Residential Hotels ; Buy an Amusement Park
  • Build a Residential Hotel and sell it.
  • Demolish your Motel.
  • Build two more Residential Hotels and sell one.
  • Purchase the Amusement Park as soon as it is up for sale.
  • Upgrade your Residential Hotel to two stars.
  • Purchase cheaper hotels and demolish them.
  • Build four more Residential Hotels and upgrade them to two stars, too.
  • Unfortunately it does not count if you just build your own Amusement Park. If it happens that the other Amusement Park is not up for sale in expert time, build a Real Estate Agency and buy it that way.

Level 30:

  • Buy the Grand Palace at the shop to play this level.
  • Goals:Buy three decorations ; have 500 guests
  • All in all you will need a museum, three Grand Palaces (3 stars) and a Real Estate Agency to buy the three decorations (they will rarely be up for sale and the Agency strongly improves your flexibility in many ways)
  • Sell your Residential Hotel.
  • Train two workers.
  • Build a Real Estate Agency and a Grand Palace. Sell the Grand Palace with the Price Growth feature.
  • Demolish the motel and the campground.
  • Build one Residential Hotel and sell it.
  • As always, keep purchasing cheaper lots and hotels when they are up for sale.
  • Build three Grand Palaces and upgrade them to three stars.
  • Buy the three decorations.
  • Build a museum.
  • Hold an exhibition.

Level 31:

  • Goals: Own 12 (level 3) Grand Palaces ; Own two Memorials ; Train 25 workers
  • You definitely need a Construction Mill as early as possible in this level, because there are going to be a lot of construction orders. From the existing 18 lots you will need 15 to reach your goals, so there is not a lot of buildings that you can sell.
  • Train two workers. Demolish all your hotels except for the Grand Palace.
  • Build one Grand Palace and sell it.
  • Build a Construction Mill on the empty lot on the right hand-side, and one Grand Palace and a Memorial on the remaining two free lots.
  • Upgrade your two Grand Palaces to three stars.
  • At the same time, constantly train more workers and purchase rather cheap lots.
  • Demolish the hotels and build new Grand Palaces on these lots.
  • Build one more Memorial.
  • Do not forget to use the Rapid Construction feature.
  • Train workers until you have 25.
  • Continue to build and upgrade Grand Palaces until you twelve three-star Grand Palaces.

Level 32:

  • Goals: Build 16 Guest Houses ; Earn $8 Million
  • This level is really frantic, since you only have 18 lots and definitely need 16 Guest Houses in the end, but to earn this huge amount of money you can't build all of them right in the beginning.
  • Build a Residential Hotel and sell it.
  • Train two workers.
  • Build a Grand Palace and sell it.
  • Train ten workers.
  • Now you have to be really quick. Each time when a new empty lot is up for sale buy it.
  • Build all in all ten Grand Palaces, and upgrade seven of them to two stars. The other three should be constructed on the three right-hand lots with income bonus, they only have to be upgraded to one star.
  • On the remaining six lots you can build six Guest Houses, they do not need to be upgraded.
  • All in all you should constitute an income of ~$400,000 - $420,000.
  • When the timer reaches the eight minute mark you should start to replace all your ten Grand Palaces by Guest Houses, but one after another.
  • Collect all the money checks you can during this level, they will really come in handy.

Level 33:

  • Buy the Festivals feature at the shop to play this level.
  • Goals:Own seven (level 3) Grand Palaces ; Hold three festivals.
  • You are not able to sell hotels in this level, so take this fact into account.
  • Train two workers.
  • Build a Grand Palace.
  • Demolish your campground.
  • Build a second Grand Palace.
  • Upgrade both Grand Palaces to one star.
  • Train one worker.
  • Build an Amusement Park.
  • Hold the three festivals as quickly as possible.
  • Build two more Grand Palaces.
  • Upgrade your four Grand Palaces to two stars.
  • Buy two of the cheaper hotels when they are up for sale.
  • Build three more Grand Palaces.
  • Upgrade all your Grand Palaces to three stars.

Level 34:

  • Goals:Own three (level 3) Motels ; Own two Service Buildings ; Income $150,000
  • Train two workers, build a Grand Palace and sell it.
  • Build another Grand Palace, a Real Estate Agency and a Construction Mill.
  • Buy the cheaper lots (with motels and Guest Houses) when they are up for sale, do not forget to lower the price with your Real Estate Agency.
  • Build three Motels and three more Grand Palaces.
  • Upgrade all of your hotels to three stars, especially by using the Rapid Construction feature.

Level 35:

  • Buy the Headquarters at the shop to play this level.
  • Goals:Build your Headquarters ; Own three commercial buildings ; Income $600,000 ; Earn $5 million
  • Demolish your existing Hotels, train two workers, build a Grand Palace on the right-hand lot of bottom row and sell it.
  • Build a Memorial on the left-hand lot in the bottom row and a Grand Palace right beside it.
  • Build another Grand Palace on the left-hand lot of the middle row.
  • Begin to purchase the cheaper lots, demolish the hotels.
  • Build a City Mallon the second lot from the right side in the bottom row.
  • Buld a third Grand Palace on the left-hand side of the City Mall.
  • Upgrade your Grand Palaces to three stars.
  • Build another Grand Palace on the left-hand side of your Memorial. Upgrade this one to three stars, too.
  • Build an Amusement Park.
  • Build a Cafe.
  • Buy the Headquarters.
  • Restore the Headquarters.
  • Five to the maximum upgraded Grand Palaces, combined with the Headquarters and three commercial buildings are enough to reach the income goal.


1. Hotel Mogul = For buying all of the hotels in the shop.

2. Business Shark = For buying all of the commercial buildings in the shop.

3. Connoisseur of Art = For buying all of the decorations in the shop.

4. Gold Mechanic = For buying all of the service buildings in the shop.

5. Bronze Constructor = For constructing at least 50 buildings.

6. Silver Constructor = For constructing at least 150 buildings.

7. Gold Constructor = For constructing at least 250 buildings.

8. Bronze Banker = For earning at least $2.5 million during one level.

9. Silver Banker = For earning at least $7.5 million during one level.

10. Gold Banker = For earning at least $10 million during one level.

11. Ring of Management = For completing every level.

12. Top Manager = For completing at least 30 levels with an expert rating.

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Abbey Inn St. George, Utah said...

Great post! I've got an idea here. Thanks for sharing this information. It will really help.

Abbey Inn St. George, Utah

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